BoJack Horseman Wiki

Word Avalanches (or Tongue Twisters) are a recurring gag in BoJack Horseman.

Often using alliterations, complicated situations, or circumstances are quickly presented in a comical way through monologue or dialogue.

Show creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg has admitted that the writers are giving the character Princess Carolyn the tongue-twisting lines more than any others because her voice actor Amy Sedaris "hates them the most."[1]

In Season 6, Princess Carolyn's frequent use of tongue-twisters actually becomes relevant to the show's plot, as she realizes that the tongue-twisters amuse and calm Ruthie, and therefore help to stop Ruthie's crying.

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Episode Number Speaker Line Time Notes
S01E02 Tom Jumbo-Grumbo "In the '90s, we laughed at your antics. Oh, how we laughed. "Ha ha ha," we chortled in rapturous glee. But when you deny the dibs called by our men and women on the frontlines, that is a sick joke, sir. A sick, sick joke, indeed, and you'll forgive if I chortle no longer, for, to me, there is nothing the least bit funny about stealing a meal from Neal McBeal, the Navy SEAL." 10:40
S05E08 Princess Carolyn "These kids will be holding out their hands for FRIENDS! Why grip a Twix when you can Sip-o-wicz?" 06:14 Princess Carolyn is distributing Emmy screeners to Trick-or-Treaters. This gag references two shows that debuted in 1993, as well as the popular candy types Twix and Fizz Wiz.
S05E08 Princess Carolyn "I deserve to be adored by a man, yet here my dreams lie dormant! I don't mean to get mordantly morbid, but I get all adorably adorned to get bored manning doors? No more!" 07:34