BoJack Horseman Wiki
BoJack Horseman Wiki

AdminApathy AdminApathy 5 February 2020

Is Gina bound to be the new BoJack?

In season 6 the very significant use of the word fuck wasn't used on BoJack this season or any main character for that matter, it was used on Gina by her costar. Even more shocking is he reacted the same way to her that she reacted to BoJack with the exact same phrase of â€œWhat the fuck is wrong with you?". Is this foreshadowing her future? A future of a damaged person who thinks of themselves as irredeemably broken? 

Let me know what you guys think

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AdminApathy AdminApathy 28 January 2020

Nervous about the show's ending

Having watched the most recent episodes in season 6 and waiting until Friday for the rest of the season to release I can't help but be very nervous, on the brink of scared or frightened. I want Bojack to become happy and I want the ending to not be bittersweet but I can't help but feel the end of the show will leave me more sad for Bojack than anything. Will him trying to redeem himself end in failure, depression, relapse or even suicide? I'm also curious about the younger characters, as they seem to be on the same track as Bojack though not as bad. I'm super curious where the F-bomb is gonna be dropped in this season, will it finally be a good one? 

Regardless of how it ends, Bojack has been a great and relatable show. I'm happy to see ho…

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